Here's my contact info!" itemprop="description"/>

New EP

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My new EP, This is where we live and I am standing on the porch, is now available. No sine waves, no clipping: I like how this one came out.

On Bandcamp, too:

RPM2022! First two tracks done!

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February means RPM Challenge!

Two tracks finished so far, both using Csound.

sound bath

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I've enjoyed sound baths at a local yoga studio a number of times before the pandemic. I thought to try to create a similar kind of audio experience. This is a first stab.

Csound recursion

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I read Victor Lazzarini's excellent new book, Spectral Sound Design, recently and was inspired to try some recursion in Csound. This is the result of some quite simple Csound code that causes a single sound event to generate two more sound events, etc., with various limiters to prevent a runaway situation. I like it enough to try more, for sure.

stairwell convolution test

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I've wanted to do this for at least 30 years.

Recorded a bit of guitar, and recorded a finger snap in a stairwell I frequent. Then I convolved them together to give pseudo-reverb to the guitar.

Very easy to do in Csound.

Track in the Shape of the White of a Cat

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A friend posted a picture of their cat, showing its belly as it lay spread across a threshold and suggested that it looked like an audio waveform and essentially dared someone to create such an audio waveform. So I did.
enter image description here

The sound is essentially arbitrary, but it was a fun little challenge to figure a smooth way to make a sound with a waveform that matched (closely) a given image. The length is totally arbitrary, but I figured 35 seconds was plenty.

variable echo

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Trying out some code to repeat chunks of an input sound file based on characteristics of the chunks. The input file here is one I made a long time ago, banging on a sheet of steel with a contact mic on it.


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A quick composition, playing around with filtered noise, aleatoric filters and stereo.


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I participated in the RPM Challenge again this February. I've done this every February since 2008. This time, I got five tracks done that I'm fairly happy with, and had a good time and felt a nice amount of community feeling with the other RPMers.