Here's my contact info!" itemprop="description"/>


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A dandelion with my f1.4 lens. I love dandelions! dandelion

RPM 2021 on Bandcamp

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My RPM2021 EP is now on Bandcamp.

Check it out, and let me know what you think.

perlin noise video

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I resisted learning about Perlin noise...until yesterday. Then I wrote some Perlin noise code in Processing ( and made this video with it. I can see why I resisted learning about it: it looks like stuff I've made using other techniques, so I don't know that I personally need this method for anything. But now I have it in my brain, and that is cool.

cherry blossom, I think

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cherry blossom (I think)


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I participated in the RPM Challenge again this February. I've done this every February since 2008. This time, I got five tracks done that I'm fairly happy with, and had a good time and felt a nice amount of community feeling with the other RPMers.


First blog post

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A first post on my new blog. We'll see how it goes. I had a drupal blog for years and years, but there was a php update on my host, and I was running such an ancient version of drupal, so I decided it wasn't worth the trouble to migrate or struggle to get it working again. So I'm trying HTMLy which is database-less, and I think that'll be fine for me.

I made this today:

recursive mosaic plum blossom

This is an image of a plum blossom, processed using a program I wrote in processing ( to recursively subdivide the image with rectangles; the subdivision continues until the color variation in the rectangle is sufficiently small or the rectangle is sufficiently small.