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subtractive poetry day was November 26

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I made this for Subtractive Poetry Day, November 26. subtractive poetry

Noise from Circular Walks on a Self-portrait with My Eyes Closed

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A new video piece. Premiered at BEAMS Together Apart III show on November 26, 2022.

A bit of a noisy piece. I used the pixels in a self-portrait under circles to create the sound: each circle makes a short sound "loop". The image changes periodically via various filters, and this changes the sound.

new video in upcoming show!

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I've got a new video piece in the upcoming BEAMS show Together Apart III on Twitch. It's happening Saturday, November 26, starting at 7 PM Pacific. Check it out if you like experimental sound and video!

Still more Truchet tiling

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Giant image showing 63 different flavors of truchet tilings: all non-empty possibilities with 6 base tiles. Random flood filling added for color. Click to enlarge.