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new recursion 2

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More composing using recursion. There are a lot of things to try with this method!

Disquiet Junto 0601

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For Disquiet Junto 601, I threw a die in my bathtub and recorded the throws with an AT822 stereo microphone (through a Zoom H5) that I bought (used) years ago but had never used (I’m not really much of a microphone person). Then, using Csound, I placed copies of each recording across about 3.5 minutes, with various densities, filtering, playback speeds and amplitudes. The rolls determined for how much of the piece each recording appears: the rolls were 3,5,6,5,6,3, so the 6 rolls appear throughout, the 5’s appear up to 5/6 of the piece and the 3’s cut off at the half-way point.

More info on Disquiet Junto 601: Disquiet Junto 0601

new recursion 1

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Trying a new approach to using recursion for composing. Here, each sound event triggers up to two additional sound events, each a function of the triggering event.