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new video in upcoming show!

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I've got a new video piece in the upcoming BEAMS show Together Apart III on Twitch. It's happening Saturday, November 26, starting at 7 PM Pacific. Check it out if you like experimental sound and video!

Edmonton Noisefest 2022

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I've got a video that will be premiering in the Edmonton Noisefest 2022, on Sunday, August 28, 2022. Check out the show info here:

dueling axes: two-center bipolar version

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I wrote some code in Processing so that I can participate in a future Dueling Axes event with BEAMS, an event in which audio performers generate visuals by using their two channels of input to independently control the x and y coordinate of a point, oscilloscope-like. I decided to try other coordinate systems. This video is my two-center bipolar proof-of-concept. Here, the audio channels are just a guitar and a slightly delayed version of it.