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Disquiet Junto 0607

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A piece for Disquiet Junto 0607 .

My thoughts went like this.

We cannot be 40% silent at a single point in time, so we have to define the amount of silence at a point in terms of the sound that is happening around that point. I chose to define the percentage of silence at a point in time as the percentage of silence (time with zero amplitude) in a 14 second interval centered at that point in time.

Also, it seems to me that we do not actually hear silence unless it is of sufficient length (e.g., we do not hear “silence” when there is a 0.001 second gap in a sound). For this piece, I defined silence to be an interval of at least 0.5 seconds of zero amplitude. I could see an argument for requiring longer gaps than this, though, since with short “silences”, I feel that we are still hearing the sound that came before it, and not actually hearing the silence.

So then I randomly threw 25000 sound events onto a 5 minute span of silence, checking before each one that the percentage of sound at that point would not go above that required by the instructions (i.e., a linear increase from 0 to 40% sound at the midpoint and linearly back to zero for the second half).

The sound events are guitar samples I’ve made, pitched and filtered in various ways. There are many points where the samples “pile up” and make a noticeably louder occurrence; this happens because once a sound has been placed, another sound can be placed “on top” of it, with no reduction in the amount of silence.

It was fun coding this, and I’ve grown to like the result after numerous tweeks and re-listens.

Disquiet Junto 0605

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The assignment was a track that is half sound, half silence. I reasoned like this. A piece with 50% sound and 50% silence will have periods of sound (with durations of, say, a1,a2,…,an) alternating with periods of silence (with durations of, say, b1,b2,…,bn), with a1+a2+…+an=b1+b2+…+bn. We can view these in pairs: (a1,b1),(a2,b2),…,(an,bn). Given a set of durations (say {6,7,8,9,10} seconds), we might want every pair from this set to appear among (a1,b1),…,(an,bn). (In other words, we might want {(a1,b1),(a2,b2),…,(an,bn)} = {6,7,8,9,10} x {6,7,8,9,10}=S, say.) So we essentially want to enumerate S; one way to do that is to use a knight’s tour of S. This has the advantage of not changing the durations too drastically (since the knight is limited in its movement) while guaranteeing that the durations both change from pair to pair (e.g., we would not go from (6,7) to (6,9)). So that’s what I did to generate the lengths of the sound bits and the lengths of the silence bits. The sounds themselves were made with Csound using a few recordings of metal objects I’ve made, with a bunch of filtering, ring modulation, and intentional clipping to get some variety. I made the sound bits decay quadratically; when I listen, it is not clear to me when the silence starts, which keeps things fun.

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