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Disquiet Junto 0604

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New track for Disquiet Junto 0604. On Sunday, I walked 5 km to a ballot drop-off location to vote for what I hope is improved representation on the city council, and I took a bunch of pictures of clouds on the way. I then rewrote from scratch my very old image-to-sound code that generates a Csound score with thousands of sine wave oscillators: the oscillators are gated depending on the content of the image, so the resulting sound has a spectrogram that looks like the original image. I used two different scales: one that creates comparatively short (time-wise) and low bandwidth sounds, and another that makes longer, wider bandwidth sounds. I used a bunch of images and made a bunch of sounds this way, and then mixed them “by hand” in Audacity.

Noise from Circular Walks on a Self-portrait with My Eyes Closed

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A new video piece. Premiered at BEAMS Together Apart III show on November 26, 2022.

A bit of a noisy piece. I used the pixels in a self-portrait under circles to create the sound: each circle makes a short sound "loop". The image changes periodically via various filters, and this changes the sound.

new video in upcoming show!

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I've got a new video piece in the upcoming BEAMS show Together Apart III on Twitch. It's happening Saturday, November 26, starting at 7 PM Pacific. Check it out if you like experimental sound and video!


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Video I made for the Edmonton Noisefest 2022.

Particles move according to various, changing rules. Each particle makes its own sound based on its circumstances.

Edmonton Noisefest 2022

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I've got a video that will be premiering in the Edmonton Noisefest 2022, on Sunday, August 28, 2022. Check out the show info here:

perlin noise video

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I resisted learning about Perlin noise...until yesterday. Then I wrote some Perlin noise code in Processing ( and made this video with it. I can see why I resisted learning about it: it looks like stuff I've made using other techniques, so I don't know that I personally need this method for anything. But now I have it in my brain, and that is cool.