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More Truchet tiling

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More Truchet tile experiments. Here the set of available choices of tile at each location is a function of the location.

more truchet tiling

sorted mosaic: black-eyed susans

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Another in my sorted mosaic series, this one of black-eyed susans.

sorted mosaic: black-eyed susans

nail mosaic

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Another sorted mosaic, this time of a photograph of a bunch of nails. nails mosaic

dueling axes: two-center bipolar version

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I wrote some code in Processing so that I can participate in a future Dueling Axes event with BEAMS, an event in which audio performers generate visuals by using their two channels of input to independently control the x and y coordinate of a point, oscilloscope-like. I decided to try other coordinate systems. This video is my two-center bipolar proof-of-concept. Here, the audio channels are just a guitar and a slightly delayed version of it.

Nearest Neighbor

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New video made for BEAMS Western Canada Drone Day Celebration, May 28, 2022.

Particles move around, edges connect nearest neighbors (and almost nearest neighbors). Sound determined by edges, including the number of connected components of the resulting graph.

squares inside squares

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Simple square arrangement. squares

colored polygon subdivision

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Trying out polygon subdivisions of a rectangle. Lots of variations possible.
polygonal subdivision 1