Here's my contact info!" itemprop="description"/>

new video piece: INK

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I just released a new video piece. I called it INK because there's a lot of ink in the video and "Ink" looks so small. Sounds composed with Csound using a python script I wrote to analyze the individual frames of the video. A big screen is recommended (I use the Vimeo app on an Apple TV to watch my videos on my television).

INK from Matthew Conroy on Vimeo.

new things!

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Some new stuff!

New Csound piece using recursion.

New noise piece made using mostly modular arithmetic.

A little recursively made thing for Genuary 2023. a little recursion experiment

A quick tessellation experiment for Genuary 2023. a little tesselation for Genuary

Another thing for Genuary 2023: intersections.

intersections of circles from Matthew Conroy on Vimeo.

Noise from Circular Walks on a Self-portrait with My Eyes Closed

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A new video piece. Premiered at BEAMS Together Apart III show on November 26, 2022.

A bit of a noisy piece. I used the pixels in a self-portrait under circles to create the sound: each circle makes a short sound "loop". The image changes periodically via various filters, and this changes the sound.

new video in upcoming show!

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I've got a new video piece in the upcoming BEAMS show Together Apart III on Twitch. It's happening Saturday, November 26, starting at 7 PM Pacific. Check it out if you like experimental sound and video!

distance function 36 ZZ

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I noticed that this old video of mine,, does not look too good. So I remade it, with higher resulution, made it 120 seconds instead of 60 seconds, and reduced the number of particles from 20 to 10.


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Video I made for the Edmonton Noisefest 2022.

Particles move according to various, changing rules. Each particle makes its own sound based on its circumstances.

Edmonton Noisefest 2022

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I've got a video that will be premiering in the Edmonton Noisefest 2022, on Sunday, August 28, 2022. Check out the show info here:

new video: leftright

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I've had the idea to do this kind of thing for a long time, so I'm glad to have it done.

A short video. I walked back and forth in front of the camera many times, and then I sorted the frames of the video based on the position of my red hat. The audio is a short guitar bit I recorded, cut into pieces; the pieces were looped to created a bunch of layers of sound. The stereo effect is created by delaying the two channels of each piece by varying amounts, rather than the more standard amplitude difference method.

I had intended to make the audio the same way as the video: do a stereo recording (using a stereo mic setup) of some sounds moving back and forth, then cut up the sound into piece and sort by "leftness". I figured out how to measure the "lag" between two signals, but it was too short, and didn't actually correlate with the stereo position very well. I'll have to try it again with a pair of fairly widely separated microphones so the lag is a little larger.

dueling axes: two-center bipolar version

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I wrote some code in Processing so that I can participate in a future Dueling Axes event with BEAMS, an event in which audio performers generate visuals by using their two channels of input to independently control the x and y coordinate of a point, oscilloscope-like. I decided to try other coordinate systems. This video is my two-center bipolar proof-of-concept. Here, the audio channels are just a guitar and a slightly delayed version of it.

Nearest Neighbor

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New video made for BEAMS Western Canada Drone Day Celebration, May 28, 2022.

Particles move around, edges connect nearest neighbors (and almost nearest neighbors). Sound determined by edges, including the number of connected components of the resulting graph.